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Types of PVC Piping

Types of PVC PipingThere are many types of PVC pipes, each uniquely suited for specific applications. Generally speaking, PVC pipes fall into four categories: PVC-U, C-PVC, PVC-O, and PVC-Hi. Let’s explore the differences within these categories.


The “U” in PVC-U stands for “unplasticized,” which means no plasticizer has been added to the PVC compound. This makes PVC-U pipes safe for transporting water, sewerage, and other liquids in underground applications. PVC-U pipes are prized in the industry for being 100% recyclable.


C-PVC pipes have chlorine added to the compound, which makes them extra durable against temperature variations. It is a safe choice for water transportation and often used in both residential and industrial applications. Like PVC-U, C-PVC pipes are recyclable.


PVC-O, also known as molecularly oriented PVC, is a pipe consisting of multiple layers of PVC-U, making it super resistant to cracks, impacts, and fatigue. Its durable makeup makes it ideal for pressure systems and underground applications such as irrigation and pumping sewerage.


High-Impact PVC, or PVC-Hi, is PVC-U piping that has been modified for the ultimate resistance against impacts, cracking, and weathering. As one of the strongest PVC pipes on the market, PVC-Hi piping is most commonly used to transport natural gas.

Your Source for PVC Piping

Whether your company specializes in one, a few, or all of the PVC piping noted above, you’ll find a trusted vendor at Florida Industrial Products (FIP). Placing an order with us is easy, and we often ship orders the day after they’re placed. To learn about the PVC pipes we have in stock, contact us today.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600