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Spotlight Information

Common PVC Fittings & Their Applications

PVC fittings come in many shapes and sizes for a wide assortment of applications. Here are some common types of PVC fittings:

Tee Fittings

Forming a “T” shape with three ends, tee fittings are one of the most widely used types of fittings thanks to their versatility in allowing piping systems to split directions.

Elbow Fittings

With a 45- or 90-degree angle bend, elbow fittings allow pipes to move around obstacles and are therefore also a popular fitting in complex piping systems.

Cross Fittings

Cross fittings have a lower “t” shape with four ends, enabling flow in different directions.

Coupling Fittings

Coupling fittings connect, often permanently, two pieces of pipe. Some varieties allow for small and large pipes to connect together.

Caps & Plugs

Cap fittings stop flow at the end of a pipe segment, and plugs do the same for other types of fittings.

Adaptor Fittings

Adaptors feature threaded ends and are used to change the end type of the pipe from male to female threads or vice versa.

Flange Fittings

Flanges create tight seals by pressing two circular surfaces closely together. These fittings allow accessories to be attached to the pipe.

Where to Find Fittings for Your Business

Though the PVC fittings listed above are some of the most commonly used, there are many more types of fittings that provide versatility to piping systems. If your business works with PVC fittings, partner with Florida Industrial Products (FIP) for exemplary procurement services. Thanks to our massive inventory of PVF supplies, we typically ship orders the day after they’re placed, and we can ship to anywhere in the country.

Contact FIP today to learn more about how we can supply your business with high-quality PVC fittings.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600