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What Are the Different Types of Hydraulic Fittings?

Types of Hydraulic FittingsHydraulic fittings are used in piping systems to connect segments of pipe. They form a high-pressure seal by threading tightly to the component port, preventing fluid or gas from escaping the system. There are two general types of hydraulic fittings: all-metal fittings and O-ring fittings. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between each.

All-Metal Fittings

All-metal fittings form a tight seal when the threads of the male half of the fitting are forced into the tapered female port of the pipe. This design isn’t always ideal, as excess pressure on the threads—such as from over-torqueing—can cause minute damage that will allow a breach in the seal. Different designs of all-metal hydraulic fittings, such as flare-type and flare-less fittings, have been created over the years to improve performance. These updated variations provide other benefits, including minimizing pipe preparation and costing less.

O-Ring Fittings

O-ring hydraulic fittings offer a more reliable seal than all-metal fittings thanks to the internal ring within the thread and port. O-ring fittings can therefore handle higher-pressure systems and have a wider variety of applications. The downside to O-ring fittings is that they are generally more expensive, and extra care must be taken to ensure the O-ring is not damaged or does not fall out during installation.

Where to Find Hydraulic Fittings for Your Business

Florida Industrial Products (FIP) is the go-to PVF vendor for businesses in need. We make a point to keep nearly every type of hydraulic fitting in stock so that we can fulfill our customers’ orders swiftly. To learn more, or to place an order for hydraulic fittings, contact FIP today.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600