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Spotlight Information

What Functions Can a Valve Perform?

What Functions Can a Valve Perform?Valves are components of plumbing systems that control flow and pressure of the material—liquids, gasses, vapors, or slurries—within the pipe. Valves come in all different shapes and sizes, each with its own functionality for controlling flow. Examples of types of valves include ball, gate, globe, plug, and butterfly valves. While each operates slightly differently, the functions of a valve, regardless of type, are essentially the same. Functions of valves can be summed up as follows:

  • Starting or stopping flow
  • Increasing or reducing flow
  • Changing the direction of flow
  • Relieving pressure inside the system

Regardless of type or application, all valves have a basic structure consisting of a body, bonnet, trim, actuator, and packing. Valves tend to be expensive, so it’s imperative for professionals to know exactly what type of functionality they need in a piping system before choosing which valve to install.

Where to Find High-Quality Valves

Florida Industrial Products (FIP) is a PVF vendor that has been offering trustworthy replenishment services since our founding in 1984. We maintain two huge warehouses that are fully stocked with nearly every type of valve you need for your business operations. We maintain such a huge inventory so that we can provide prompt turnarounds—we typically ship orders the day after they’re placed. And, because we are a member of supplyFORCE and Affiliated Distribution, we can ship to anywhere in the U.S.

Learn more about how we can supply your business with all manner of valves by contacting FIP today.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600