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What Is Stainless Steel Pipe Used For?

a stack of stainless steel pipe

Stainless steel is an alloy whose chemical makeup, typically composed of nickel and chromium, gives the material a natural resistance to corrosion. Stainless steel resists oxidation and can be easily repaired as needed for long-term use. This inherent strength makes stainless steel pipes an ideal candidate for moving corrosive and high-temperature materials. And because they can be easily cleaned and sanitized, stainless steel pipes are also used in environments where sterility is important.

Industries That Utilize Stainless Steel Pipes

Stainless steel pipes come in all shapes and sizes and are widely used across many different industries. Here are some common examples:

Oil & Gas

Stainless steel pipes are used in oil and gas exploration and refinement applications. They are strong enough to resist damage from corrosive chemicals and the intense pressure of underground processes.

Nuclear Power

Generating nuclear power requires constant cooling of the reactor. This is typically accomplished by heating water within a stainless steel piping system to create steam, which then turns the turbines to keep the reactor cool.

Mining & Mineral

Stainless steel pipes are used in many ways to make mining and mineral operations easier and safer. These pipes can be found in every element of the remote infrastructure, including housing units for staff and deep within the mine to assist with extraction.


The process of removing salt and other minerals from water is referred to as desalination. Desalination systems are common on large ships and submarines that support a working crew. Stainless steel pipes have the necessary strength to resist the corrosive elements of salt water and make this process possible.

Where to Find Stainless Steel Pipe for Your Business

Florida Industrial Products (FIP) is a trusted vendor of stainless steel pipes and other high-quality PVF supplies for businesses across the country. To experience our exceptional service, contact us today.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600