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Spotlight Information

A Trusted Source for Triple-Duty Valves in Clearwater, FL 

At Florida Industrial Products (FIP), we take pride in being the go-to destination for businesses in Clearwater, FL, seeking top-notch triple-duty valves. With over three decades of expertise, we’ve been a trusted partner in delivering innovative piping solutions tailored to your unique needs.  

What Sets Triple Duty Valves Apart 

Triple-duty valves are the backbone of efficient industrial piping systems. Comprising a shut-off valve, check valve, and balancing/throttling valve, this ingenious design optimizes space and functionality. For businesses in Clearwater, FL, looking to enhance their operations, FIP is your reliable source for these versatile valves. 

Extensive Inventory for Prompt Solutions 

At FIP, we understand the urgency of your business needs. Our sprawling warehouses in Tampa and Orlando house an extensive inventory of triple-duty valves. Unlike other suppliers, we keep our shelves fully stocked, ensuring that we can promptly fulfill your orders. In fact, we often ship orders the day after placement, providing you with swift access to the triple-duty valves you require. 

Seamless Ordering Process 

Placing an order for triple-duty valves is a seamless process with FIP. Our electronic data interchange system allows you to transmit orders anytime, day or night. Even for emergency replenishments after hours, we’ve got you covered. Once your order is received, we send a confirmation, giving you the opportunity to review and make any necessary adjustments. Our order-tracking technology keeps you informed about the transit status of your triple-duty valves. 

Your Trusted Partner Since 1984 

FIP has been serving businesses in Clearwater, FL, since 1984. Our commitment to exceptional customer service and top-tier products has made us a reliable partner for countless industries. Contact FIP today to experience the unmatched quality and efficiency of our triple-duty valves – the backbone of your industrial success in Clearwater, FL.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600