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Spotlight Information

Reliable Supplier of High-Quality Hydraulic Fittings in Clewiston, FL

Hydraulic fittings play a crucial role in piping systems, facilitating the smooth flow, directional changes, and mixing of fluids. With various sizes and shapes in stock, including elbow and tee configurations, Florida Industrial Products (FIP) makes finding the right hydraulic fittings for your business in the Clewiston, Florida, area effortless.

Ready-to-Ship Hydraulic Fittings, Always in Stock

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in our two expansive warehouses that are fully stocked with almost every type of hydraulic fitting on the market. This means we can swiftly ship the fittings you require, setting us apart from competitors who may need to order from manufacturers first. In fact, we strive to ship orders the day after receiving them, ensuring prompt delivery.

Effortless Ordering and Exceptional Service

At FIP, we prioritize making the ordering process for hydraulic fittings as seamless as possible. Our user-friendly electronic data interchange system enables you to place orders at your convenience, even after business hours for emergency situations caused by unexpected stock-outs. Upon receiving your order, we’ll promptly send a confirmation and provide you with an opportunity to make any final additions or adjustments before shipment. Furthermore, our order-tracking technology keeps you informed about the status and location of your fittings during transit.

Experience Reliable Procurement Services for Hydraulic Fittings

For dependable sourcing of hydraulic fittings, contact FIP today. With a longstanding reputation as a trusted PVF vendor in the Clewiston, FL, area since 1984, we are committed to meeting your hydraulic fitting needs and providing exceptional service.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600