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Spotlight Information

A Trusted Source for PVC Fittings in the Clewiston, FL, Area

Close-up of PVC fitting for PVC pipesIn the realm of plumbing systems, PVC fittings play a crucial role by connecting pipes, valves, and other components. Given their diverse functions, it’s no surprise that there is a vast array of PVC fittings available. If your business in Clewiston, Florida, requires specific types of PVC fittings, look no further than Florida Industrial Products (FIP), a trusted vendor in the area.

Ready to Serve Your Needs

At FIP, we prioritize delivering prompt service to our valued customers. To ensure timely assistance, we maintain a comprehensive inventory of PVC fittings in our two expansive warehouses. With such a robust stock, we can typically provide the exact PVC fittings you need, ready for immediate shipment. Our commitment to swift turnarounds sets us apart from other PVF vendors in the region.

Unmatched Service from Start to Finish

When you place an order with us for PVC fittings, our electronic data interchange will simplify the process. This cutting-edge system accepts orders around the clock, even if you encounter unexpected stock-outs that bring production to a halt. To minimize downtime, FIP typically ships orders the day after they are placed. Prior to shipment, we’ll send a confirmation for your review, allowing you to ensure accuracy and make any necessary final adjustments. Furthermore, our order-tracking technology keeps you informed about the whereabouts of your PVC fittings during transit.

Order Your PVC Fittings Today

For further details regarding the PVC fittings we offer to businesses in the Clewiston, FL area, don’t hesitate to contact FIP. We are ready to provide you with the information you need and fulfill your PVC fitting requirements effectively.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600