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Spotlight Information

A Trusted Source for PVC Pipes in the Clewiston, FL, Area

Lightweight, durable, and cost-efficient, PVC pipes stand out as an excellent choice. Their natural resistance to corrosion and thermal expansion/contraction makes them highly suitable for sewer lines, water mains, and irrigation systems. If your Clewiston, Florida-based business operates in an industry where PVC pipes are essential, look no further than Florida Industrial Products (FIP) for dependable procurement services.

Extensive Inventory to Meet Your Demands

At FIP, we understand the critical importance of having the right supplies to keep your production running smoothly. To ensure uninterrupted operations, we maintain a vast inventory of over 10,000 SKUs in our two expansive warehouses. While other competitors might claim the PVC piping you need is “available,” we can proudly affirm that we have it in stock and ready for immediate delivery.

Swift Deliveries to Sustain Your Production

With a substantial stock of high-quality PVC piping and PVF supplies, we outperform our competitors by offering faster deliveries. In fact, we can typically ship orders the day after they’re placed, ensuring seamless synchronization with your production schedule. Moreover, our convenient electronic data interchange allows us to accept emergency orders 24/7, providing a quick solution for unexpected stock-outs.

Since our establishment in 1984, FIP has cultivated valuable relationships with numerous businesses. We are confident that you too will find our services to be an asset to your operations. To explore the range of PVC pipes available for your Clewiston, FL, company, reach out to FIP today.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600