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Spotlight Information

A Reliable Source for Gate Valves in Lakeland, FL

Gate valves stand out from other valve types due to their unique internal wedge mechanism, controlled by either a handwheel or motor, which effectively manages the flow of fluids. Unlike some valves, gate valves operate in a binary manner, either fully opening or closing the flow. For businesses in Lakeland that rely on gate valves, Florida Industrial Products (FIP) offers a trustworthy procurement solution.

Why Partner with Us

At FIP, we prioritize having a comprehensive inventory of gate valves and other essential PVF supplies readily available for our customers. With our two extensive warehouses stocked with over $4 million worth of inventory, we ensure swift access to the products you need without delays from manufacturers. While other vendors may face delays in shipping, we pride ourselves on our ability to fulfill orders promptly, often shipping the day after they are placed.

Exceptional Customer Support

Ordering gate valves from FIP is seamless, thanks to our advanced warehousing technology that accepts orders around the clock. Should you encounter an unexpected shortage of gate valves, our system allows for emergency orders to swiftly replenish your supplies. Before dispatching your order to your Lakeland-based business, we send a confirmation to verify accuracy and provide an opportunity to make any necessary adjustments.

Experience the Dependability of FIP

Benefit from the same reliable service that has distinguished FIP as a trusted PVF supplier since 1984. Contact us today to streamline your gate valve procurement process and ensure uninterrupted operations for your business in Lakeland, FL.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600