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Spotlight Information

High-Quality Pipe, Valve & Fitting Supplies for Businesses in Clearwater, FL

Florida Industrial Products (FIP) has established itself as the go-to destination for businesses in Clearwater, Florida, seeking reliable pipe, valve, and fitting supplies. Since our inception in 1984, we have been the preferred supplier of high-quality MRO materials for local enterprises. The advantages of collaborating with us make it evident why we are the prime choice in the market.

Two Sprawling Warehouses

With strategically located expansive warehouses in Florida, our inventory boasts an impressive array of over 10,000 SKUs. This sets us apart from competitors who merely claim to offer the required items but lack the substantial stock we possess.

Top Brands

The PVF supplies we provide are sourced from top-notch brands, reflecting our commitment to quality. Among them are two renowned manufacturers whose reputations for excellence align with our own high standards of service:

  • Tylok Fittings & Valves: For over six decades, Tylok has been crafting precision-engineered fittings and valves, catering to diverse industries like oil and gas, pulp and paper, energy production, and steel manufacturing. Their products are recognized for their reliability, leak-proof performance, and longevity.
  • Aquatherm: Revolutionizing the industry, Aquatherm’s PP-R and PP-RCT pipes are rapidly replacing stainless steel in various applications. These fusion pipes made from polypropylene boast corrosion-free properties and are free from heavy metals and toxic chemicals, making them a safe option for potable water systems, residential piping, food and beverage production, as well as industrial piping, pressurized air, and heating and cooling systems.

Fast Deliveries Throughout Clearwater

The appeal of FIP lies not only in our offering of top-quality pipes, hydraulic fittings, pipe fittings, triple-duty valves, ball valves, gate valves, and butterfly valves, but also in our efficiency in keeping them in stock and delivering swiftly to businesses in the Clearwater, FL, area. Our streamlined inventory management enables us to offer fast next-day deliveries, eliminating the need for middlemen and ensuring prompt service. In fact, we aim to dispatch orders within one day of placement.

High-Accuracy Order Fulfillment

To ensure accuracy, we employ advanced electronic data exchange, ensuring that orders are delivered precisely as requested. We take pride in our track record of shipping 97% of orders complete, providing our customers with a seamless experience. Additionally, our order tracking system allows updates and emergency orders 24/7.

The trust we have built with our customers over the years is a testament to our commitment to their satisfaction. Many of our clients have been with us for more than 25 years, making us a trusted and reliable MRO supply vendor for businesses in Clearwater. For more information about our products and services, contact FIP today. We look forward to serving you with excellence.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600