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Spotlight Information

The Pipes, Valves & Fittings Vendor That Clewiston, FL, Businesses Trust

Pipes, Valves, Fittings Clewiston FL

Business owners in the Clewiston, Florida, area trust Florida Industrial Products (FIP) when they need a reliable vendor of industrial pipes, valves, and fittings. In fact, we’ve been delivering outstanding PVF procurement services since 1984 and have earned the respect of numerous businesses across the state of Florida and beyond. We’re proud that many of our customers have been with us for years, and we look forward to showing you how we can help your business.

A Massive Inventory to Promptly Meet Your Needs

At FIP, we do things differently than our competitors. You won’t have to wait for us to order your pipes, valves, and fittings from the manufacturer. That’s because, with more than $4 million worth of inventory, we’re sure to have what you need in stock and ready to ship. Indeed, within our two sprawling warehouses there are more than 10,000 SKUs, from gate and butterfly valves to stainless steel pipes and compression fittings.

High-Quality Pipes, Fittings & Valves

Our vast inventory includes a wide range of high-performance pipes, fittings, and valves from some of the most notable manufacturers in the industry. If you take pride in offering your customers quality products, you’ll find everything you need at FIP. Here are two brands whose PVF supplies we’re honored to provide for businesses in the Clewiston, FL, area:

Tylok Fittings & Valves

Tylok is a name that is synonymous with precision engineering when it comes to tube fittings and valves. If you specialize in tube instrumentation systems, you’re likely familiar with this name as Tylok has been a leading manufacturer since its founding in the 1940s. Their tube fittings and valves are renowned for leak-free performance and are used in piping systems for oil and gas refinement, pulp and paper processing, steel manufacturing, energy production, and other industrial piping systems.


Fusion pipes from Aquatherm are made from a polypropylene material that is free of heavy metals and toxic chemicals. These PP-R and PP-RCT pipes offer corrosion-free performance and are some of the safest options available for potable water systems, such as residential piping and commercial food and beverage production. They are quickly replacing stainless steel in heating and cooling, compressed air, and industrial piping thanks to their “clean” performance.

If you’re on the lookout for a reliable vendor of these and other exceptionally crafted PVF supplies, you’ve found one at FIP. Not only do we offer these products, but we also keep them in stock so that we can provide swift deliveries to our valued customers.

Easy Ordering, Accurate Deliveries

When you partner with us as your PVF vendor, you’ll have access to our user-friendly electronic data interchange. This system makes it exceptionally easy to place your order. And, if an unexpected stock-out occurs, we can help get your production back on schedule—you can place your emergency order with us 24/7. We’ll send a confirmation so you can review your order for accuracy and make any last-minute adjustments before we ship. Furthermore, we can typically ship your order the day after it’s placed, and 97% of the orders we ship are complete.

To learn more about how we can meet your needs for pipe, valve, and fitting procurement, contact FIP today. We serve businesses in Clewiston, FL, and nearby cities.


Tampa Office
1602 N. 39th Street
Tampa, FL 33605-5853
Phone (813) 247-5356

Orlando Office
1855 Central Fla Parkway
Orlando, FL 32837
Phone (407) 240-0600